Thursday, October 20, 2011

Birthday, Hi, For You

Another one for birthday!!!! Sending birthday wishes to your loved one with this card would DEFINITELY place a huge beam on their face! :P Loves float in the air plus your cute messages just made their birthday ever BETTER ;)

the front page.
 the inside "Happy Birthday"

 the back

This is just a random "HI" card with "MISS YOU" message inside.

Giraffes are the theme for this designs. 

Hope y'all like it and enjoy browsing through my cards. Will definitely post more after my coming-soon-exams. Wish me luck people! :P

Until next time, xxoo

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Wedding Day ♥

This is my very first time customizing wedding card and to be honest, I quite like the end result! LOL

 The front page of the card- Groom's 
The inside of the groom's front page. Green glitter on phoenix's wing and flowers.
Another side of the front page- Brides gown + veil 
 The inside page of the bride's side. Pop-up flora designed.
 The whole of the front page. The Groom and the Bride :)

 the behind
 inside  "WEDDING DAY"
 The behind of inside front page "Congratulations" to the bride and the groom.

Please leave me any comments on this card, I know there are many more improvements so please do not hesitate to throw me comments! *beam* Hope y'all like it. Enjoy.

Until next time, xxoo.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Happy Birthday III

 Another Birthday card is up!!! This time i make it fairly simple. Hope you guys like it! :)

 the pink love paper clip on the top right corner is for clipping the messages.

Until next time, xxoo.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Happy Birthday (summer)

Simply design with pop-up flowers on top of the ribbons. Simple yet expressed instantly of great wish of Happy Birthday!!! Blue theme represented the Summer color and obviously the flowers and bird shows the FUN during summer.

Hope y'all love it!

 the front
the inside. 
the close-up
the close-up on "HAPPY B IRTHDAY" wordings
 the close-up inside "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" wordings

Until next time, xxoo.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Best Friend Forever

 Have a best friend to yell your lungs out at her to say how much you appreciate and gladful to have her all along? I hope this card helps to send all your unsaid messages!!!

It is a simple design with star flags banner on top, a pop flowers and buttons! As you guys notice that buttons are my favorite material to use when customizing the card! :)

Hope y'all love it!

Until next time, xxoo.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Party TIME!!!!!

 A simply birthday card with the simply ribbon on blue and brown paper and all the words like "candles", "good times", "party time", and "celebrate"! :)

Please support recycle items like this card, some of the materials are used from recycled items!

Again, hope y'all like it!

the inside of the card with real simple design!

Until next time, xxoo.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday card with the simple design of color boxes with a few that POPS!
The inside is just as simple with "JUST FOR YOU" words in it.

Hope you guys love it!

"Hmph, to me its somehow a bit less of something but I couldn't tell what it is!" Please leave me a comment and let me know peeps! I appreciate it a lot! Thanks! :)

Until next time, xxoo.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Love OUR Earth

The slogans that are omnipresent these days are tons!!!
"Green is the new Black"
"Support Greens", etc.

As we all know, the earth is slowly signaling us that it can no longer take it anymore.. Therefore, as we who live on it, we should love it FROM NOW ON instead of keep trashing, ruining, destroy the mother nature! You can simply pick up this recycled "Love OUR Earth" card to spread your love of the Earth to others... I'm pretty sure you all know much more better than me of what should you do to take good care of it.

The felt heart-shape can be separated from the card and can be used as bookmarks or as you like. ;) Hope y'all like it!

Until next time, xxoo.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Buttons in love II

I've been receiving good feedback on the "buttons in love" card. In previous its only in red buttons with pink ribbon and now I've uploaded more! Hope y'all loves it! *cheers*

For those who haven't know yet, I've already set up an online store on Please support my store at Thanks. :)
For more information please email me or leave me a "KNOCK" (comment).

Until next time, xxoo.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Two in One

Happy Birthday to those women who are pregnant! :) Congratulations too!!! :)

Until next time, xxoo.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

2 Hearts 1 Love

A trial of colours-pop-up hot balloon design. :) More coming up soon!

Until next time, xxoo.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Father's Day II

Different design of the Father's Day cards... Enjoy :) Hope y'all like it!

Shirt with tie design.
Shirt with felt-bow + buttons design.

Until next time, xxoo.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Father's day

 Happy Father's Day to all the fathers! :)

Plain shirt with tie design and a back pocket to slip the greeting cards in. Have fun all the dads and for those who have not yet get a card for your dad, QUICK!!!!

Until next time, xxoo. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

cards full of memories

Staying far away from someone you care most? Thinking of them is normal, call them and tell them is a definite thing to do. BUT if you'd send them a card telling them that you're thinking of him/her is even better. As I've always said, who doesn't like to receive a card from their loved one? ;)
Thinking of You & Thank You for Being You cards are the cards for your to spread your lovesss. 

  • Flora printed cards
  • colour papers
  • love shaped button and red-rounded button
  • brown handmade envelopes
  • scratch-on words
  • "happy memories" card (from Big W)

Hope y'all love it. To purchase or interested in these cards. Please do not hesitate to email me or leave a comment as always! :)

Until next time, xxoo.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

so sorry

There are ton of reasons by saying the word 'SORRY'. For those who find the word 'SORRY' is the hardest word, how about pass the message to whoever with a card and your sincere notes? I'm sure its hard to say it, but its not by writing down.

Card's theme:
  • printed background card paper (color choices available)
  • scratch-on wordings
  • ready stick-on foam bunny
It's a really easy card. Hope y'all like it.

Until next time, xxoo.

Friday, April 1, 2011

forever yours

A cute little card with simple words is more than enough to made your loved-one smile and heart-warming. ;) 


Card's theme:
  • blue polka dots background (colour may varies)
  • scratch-on wordings
  • paper folded heard shape (purely decoration)
Hope y'all like it. Again, if you're interested with any cards in my blog please do not hesitate to contact me. :)

Until next time, xxoo.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

h.a.p.p.y birthday

Happy Birthday card in tee's design.

Card's theme:
  • color papers
  • tee's cutting
  • black permanent marker
 Hope you guys like it.

Until next time, xxoo.