Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Best Friend Forever

 Have a best friend to yell your lungs out at her to say how much you appreciate and gladful to have her all along? I hope this card helps to send all your unsaid messages!!!

It is a simple design with star flags banner on top, a pop flowers and buttons! As you guys notice that buttons are my favorite material to use when customizing the card! :)

Hope y'all love it!

Until next time, xxoo.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Party TIME!!!!!

 A simply birthday card with the simply ribbon on blue and brown paper and all the words like "candles", "good times", "party time", and "celebrate"! :)

Please support recycle items like this card, some of the materials are used from recycled items!

Again, hope y'all like it!

the inside of the card with real simple design!

Until next time, xxoo.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday card with the simple design of color boxes with a few that POPS!
The inside is just as simple with "JUST FOR YOU" words in it.

Hope you guys love it!

"Hmph, to me its somehow a bit less of something but I couldn't tell what it is!" Please leave me a comment and let me know peeps! I appreciate it a lot! Thanks! :)

Until next time, xxoo.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Love OUR Earth

The slogans that are omnipresent these days are tons!!!
"Green is the new Black"
"Support Greens", etc.

As we all know, the earth is slowly signaling us that it can no longer take it anymore.. Therefore, as we who live on it, we should love it FROM NOW ON instead of keep trashing, ruining, destroy the mother nature! You can simply pick up this recycled "Love OUR Earth" card to spread your love of the Earth to others... I'm pretty sure you all know much more better than me of what should you do to take good care of it.

The felt heart-shape can be separated from the card and can be used as bookmarks or as you like. ;) Hope y'all like it!

Until next time, xxoo.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Buttons in love II

I've been receiving good feedback on the "buttons in love" card. In previous its only in red buttons with pink ribbon and now I've uploaded more! Hope y'all loves it! *cheers*

For those who haven't know yet, I've already set up an online store on Please support my store at Thanks. :)
For more information please email me or leave me a "KNOCK" (comment).

Until next time, xxoo.