Monday, March 14, 2011

warm welcome

Welcome to my very first card-customizing blogspot. Am actually very nervous about displaying this blogspot while I am freakishly overwhelmed with the idea of "Oh, what if the readers hate my designed cards?", "oh, what they'd say about the cards??", etc.

Oh well, now the blogspot has published and I hope in the future, when the cards design are up, comments and "your votes" are absolutely important to me. *huge beam*

And also don't forget to visit too. For those who has no idea what blogspot is it, that is my another life-style blogspot. So, be kindly support my blogs and am extremely appreciate all y'all times and sincere votes/comments!

Until next time, xxoo.

PS: if you are interested in contacting me, just simply e-mail me at or leave comment on my blog and I'll definitely get back to you a.s.a.p.

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